We invite proposals for tutorials at the 28th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2025), to be held Fri/Sat 25/26 Oct 2025 preceding the main conference.
We invite proposals for tutorials at the 28th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2025), to be held Fri/Sat 25/26 Oct 2025 preceding the main conference.
Tutorials should serve one or more of the following objectives:
Tutorials are intended to cover reasonably well-established information in a balanced way. Tutorials should not be used to advocate a single avenue of research, nor should they promote a product. We encourage tutorials with a hands-on component or other interactive elements. We also welcome tutorials on topical subjects, particularly those with social or industrial implications, such as privacy, trustworthiness, fairness, or ethics in AI.
The deadline is at the end of the day specified, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).
Tutorial proposals should be submitted through the Easychair portal at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ecai2025tutorials. The proposals should be submitted as a single PDF (of at most 4 pages) and must include the following information.
We encourage proposals of brand-new tutorials, as well as tutorials that have already been successfully offered before, or that are also being proposed to other venues (e.g., other major AI conferences). In that case, the application should include a complete list of such venues.
ECAI will provide free registration for the pre-conference programme for one presenter of each tutorial. Any additional presenters will have to register and pay the registration fee. Please understand that we may have to cancel a tutorial if not enough participants register or if deadlines are not met. We are aiming for at least 10 registered participants by the early registration deadline.
Any questions about the tutorial program should be directed to the tutorial chairs, Tias Guns and Nando Martínez-Plumed, at tutorial-chairs@ecai2025.org.