Call for Workshops


We invite proposals for workshops to be held as part of the pre-conference programme during the first two days of the conference. Proposals from all subfields of AI and organisers of all levels of seniority are welcome.

Most workshops will follow the classical format of presentations of peer-reviewed papers followed by discussion, but other formats (e.g., AI competitions) and entirely new ideas are also welcome. Whatever the format, all workshops should be interactive events and ample time should be allocated to discussion. The typical duration for a workshop is one full day, but two-day or half-day workshops can also be accommodated.

Responsibilities of workshop organisers include setting up a website for their workshop shortly after acceptance, distributing a Call for Papers (in case paper submissions are sought), handling submissions (possibly using EasyChair, though ECAI does not provide an EasyChair licence), publishing the workshop programme in a timely manner, arranging for publication of the workshop proceedings (if publication is desired), and running the workshop on site during the conference.


  • Proposal deadline: Wednesday, 15 January 2025
  • Proposer notification: Saturday, 15 February 2025
  • Deadline for workshop sites to go live: Saturday, 15 March 2025
  • Final workshop schedule published: Friday, 8 August 2025
  • Workshops: Saturday-Sunday 25-26 October 2025 (half-day, full day, or two days)


All deadlines are at the end of the day specified, anywhere on Earth (UTC-12).


Each workshop proposal should consist of a single PDF file and include the following information:

  • Workshop title and acronym
  • Names, affiliations, and contact details of all workshop organisers
  • Primary contact person from the organising team
  • One paragraph about each organiser (scientific profile, previous events organised)
  • Brief introduction of the workshop
  • List of relevant topic areas
  • Intended format and duration (between half-day and two days)
  • Indicate whether the workshop is planned to have any activities other than contributed papers, such as invited talks, panels, posters.
  • Audience: research groups working in the field, a tentative list of potentially interested participants, expected number of submissions
  • Previous editions of the workshop if applicable; related workshops at other venues during the past three years, and how those relate to the proposed workshop
  • List of potential workshop PC members, and reviewing format (single/double-blind, number of reviews per submission, any other relevant information)

Submit your workshop proposal here:


All workshop participants, including organisers, must register for the pre-conference programme and pay the registration fee. However, ECAI can provide up to two free registrations for the pre-conference programme per workshop, which can be allocated at the discretion of the workshop organisers (e.g., to invited speakers, organisers, or junior participants).

Please understand that we may have to cancel a workshop if not enough participants register or if deadlines are not met. We are aiming for at least 10 registered participants by the early registration deadline.


In case of questions, please contact the workshop chairs, Vadim Malvone and Vida Groznik, at

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