ECAI 2025 will include a great variety of workshops on specific topics in AI.

ECAI 2025 Workshops
Workshop Title Organizers Number of Days Website
1 International Joint Workshop of Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare and HYbrid Models for Coupling Deductive and Inductive ReAsoning (HC@AIxIA+HYDRA 2025) Pierangela Bruno, Francesco Calimeri, Francesco Cauteruccio, Mauro Dragoni, Fabio Stella, Giorgio Terracina 2.0 Go to the website
2 2nd Workshop on Multimodal, Affective and Interactive eXplainable Artificial Intelligence (MAI-XAI) Philipp Cimiano, Fosca Giannotti, Tim Miller, Barbara Hammer, Alejandro Catalá Bolos, Peter Flach, José Alonso Moral 2.0 Go to the website
3 2nd International Workshop on AI in Society, Education and Educational Research (AISEER) Jens Dörpinghaus, Michael Tiemann, Robert Helmrich 1.5 Go to the website
4 27th International Workshop on Configuration (ConfWS 2025) Elise Vareilles, Chiara Grosso, Enrico Sandrin, Viet-Man Le 1.5 Go to the website
5 Fairness and Bias in AI (AEQUITAS) Payal Arora, Roberta Calegari, Virginia Dignum 1.0 Go to the website
6 1st Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Biomedical Data (AIBio) Francesco Ciompi, Sara Moccia, Pietro Liò, Antonio Maria Rinaldi, Cristiano Russo, Cristian Tommasino, Mariachiara Di Cosmo, Michele Bernardini, Luca Romeo, Francesco Merolla 1.0 Go to the website
7 10th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Cognition (AIC 2025) Mehul Bhatt, Antonio Lieto 1.0 Go to the website
8 3rd International Workshop on AI for Quantum and Quantum for AI (AIQxQIA 2025) Marco Baioletti, Miguel Angel Gonzalez, Corrado Loglisci, Angelo Oddi, Riccardo Rasconi, Ramiro Varela Arias 1.0 Go to the website
9 Workshop on AI in Finance (AlFin) Giuseppe Canonaco, Edoardo Vittori, Marianela Morales, Anton Ipsen, Carmine Ventre 1.0 Go to the website
10 International Workshop on Annotation of Real World Data for Artificial Intelligence Systems (ARDUOUS) Kristina Yordanova, Emma Tonkin, Gregory Tourte 1.0 Go to the website
11 5th Workshop on Agents and Robots for reliable Engineered Autonomy (AREA 2025) Angelo Ferrando, Rafael C. Cardoso 1.0 Go to the website
12 3rd International Workshop on Argumentation for eXplainable AI (ArgXAI) Antonio Rago, Kristijonas Čyras, Timotheus Kampik, Oana Cocarascu 1.0 Go to the website
13 AI-based Planning for Complex Real-World Applications (CAIPI25) Oliver Niggemann, Gautam Biswas, Andrea Micheli, René Heesch 1.0 Go to the website
14 AI-driven Data Engineering and Reusability for Earth and Space Sciences (DARES) Iraklis Klampanos, Antonis Troumpoukis, Manolis Koubarakis 1.0 Go to the website
15 Explainable AI in Space (EASi) Jakub Nalepa, Przemyslaw Biecek, Nicolas Longépé, Agata Wijata, Evridiki Ntagiou, Marek Kraft, Lukasz Tulczyjew 1.0 Go to the website
16 Evolutionary Dynamics in social, cooperative and hybrid AI (EDAI) Marta C. Couto, Elias Fernández Domingos, Chaitanya S. Gokhale, The Anh Han, Christian Hilbe, Tom Lenaerts, Fernando P. Santos, Paolo Turrini 1.0 Go to the website
17 2nd Workshop on Explainable Artificial Intelligence for the medical domain (EXPLIMED) Gabriella Casalino, Giovanna Castellano, Katarzyna Kaczmarek-Majer, Raffaele Scaring, Gianluca Zaza 1.0 Go to the website
18 2nd Workshop on Green-Aware Artificial Intelligence (Green-Aware AI 2025) Riccardo Cantini, Luca Ferragina, Davide Mario Longo, Anastasija Nikiforova, Simona Nisticò, Francesco Scarcello, Reza Shahbazian, Dipanwita Thakur, Irina Trubitsyna, Giovanna Varricchio 1.0 Go to the website
19 Intelligent Agents in Science and Engineering (IASE) Usman Haider, Marcos Cruz, Karl Mason 1.0 Go to the website
20 Workshop on Intelligent Management Information Systems (IMIS 2025) Marcin Hernes, Artur Rot, Ewa Walaszczyk 1.0 Go to the website
21 Language Understanding in the Human-Machine Era (LUHME) Henrique Lopes Cardoso, Rui Sousa-Silva, Maarit Koponen, Antonio Pareja-Lora 1.0 Go to the website
22 16th Multidisciplinary Workshop on Advances in Preference Handling (M-PREF 2025) Ulrich Junker, Khaled Belahcène, Nimrod Talmon 1.0 Go to the website
23 Second Workshop on “Machine Learning Meets Differential Equations: From Theory to Applications” (ML-DE) Cecíılia Coelho, Bernd Zimmering, Luíıs Ferrás, Fernanda Costa, Oliver Niggemann 1.0 Go to the website
24 Workshop on Machine Learning Operations (MLOps25) Luigi Quaranta, Giulio Mallardi, Antonella Carbonaro 1.0 Go to the website
25 Multi-Objective Decision Making 2025 (MODeM 2025) Roxana Rădulescu, Willem Röpke, Patrick Mannion, Pieter Libin 1.0 Go to the website
26 7th International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and fOrmal VERification, Logic, Automata, and sYnthesis (OVERLAY 2025) Angelo Montanari, Andrea Orlandini, Nicola Saccomanno, Stefano Tonetta 1.0 Go to the website
27 4th International Workshop on Process Management in the AI era (PMAI25) Fabiana Fournier, Lior Limonad, Giuseppe De Giacomo, Andrea Marrella, Antonella Guzzo, Antonio Ielo 1.0 Go to the website
28 Reasoning and Learning for Intelligent Transport (ReLiT) Serena Villata, Lukas Chrpa, Mauro Vallati 1.0 Go to the website
29 eXtended Reality & Intelligent Agents (XRIA) Daniela Briola, Viviana Mascardi, Anne-Hélène Olivier 1.0 Go to the website
30 The Awakening of Consciousness in Artificial Intelligence (ACAI-2025) Paulo Vieira and Celestino Gonçalves 0.5 Go to the website
31 The First Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Human-Game Interaction (AI4HGI) Amon Rapp, David Melhart, Matthew Barthet, Mike Preuss, Giulio Barbero, Sabrina Villata 0.5 Go to the website
32 AI in Security and Defense (AI4SD) Oliver Niggemann, Wolfgang Koch, Gerhard Schreiber, René Heesch, Björn Ludwig 0.5 Go to the website
33 International Workshop on AI Systems for the Environment (AISE-2025) Enrico Gerding, Simon Parsons, Roxana Rădulescu, Samarth Swarup, Zita Vale, Vahid Yazdanpanah 0.5 Go to the website
34 Awareness in Learning Agents (ALA) Davide Bacciu, Cosimo Della Santina, Ophelia Deroy, Sabine Hauert, Hedi Karray, Sadegh Soudjani 0.5 Go to the website
35 Advanced Neuro-Symbolic Applications (ANSyA) Andrea Agiollo, Enkeleda Bardhi, Giovanni Ciatto, Sebastijan Dumancic, Giuseppe Marra 0.5 Go to the website
36 2025 Workshop on 'AI for understanding human behavior in professional settings' (BEHAIV) Myra Spiliopoulou, Slawomir Nowaczyk, Jerzy Stefanowski, Marco Ragni 0.5 Go to the website
37 CLEAR-AI Workshop: Collaborative Methods and Tools for Engineering and Evaluating Transparency in AI (CLEAR-WS) Themis Dimitra Xanthopoulou, Francien Dechesne, Rachele Carli, Chiara Gallese, Andreas Brännström, Mattias Brännström 0.5 Go to the website
38 Education for Artificial Intelligence (edu4AI) Elisa Marengo, Michela Ponticorvo, Manuel Striani 0.5 Go to the website
39 European Workshop on Multi-Agent Pathfinding (EurMAPF) Jiri Svancara, Dor Atzmon, David Zahradka 0.5 Go to the website
40 Evaluating Explainable AI and Complex Decision-Making (EXCD) Hendrik Baier, Mark Towers, Yingqian Zhang, Balint Gyevnar 0.5 Go to the website
41 Foundations and Future of Change in Artificial Intelligence (FCAI 2025) Vanina Martinez, Nina Pardal, Kai Sauerwald 0.5 Go to the website
42 Generative Code Intelligence Workshop (GeCoIn) Eleonora Iotti, Vincenzo Arceri, Greta Dolcetti, Sergio Maffeis 0.5 Go to the website
43 International Workshop on Human-AI Collaborative Systems (HAIC 2025) Michele Braccini, Allegra De Filippo, Michela Milano, Alessandro Saffiotti, Mauro Vallati 0.5 Go to the website
44 Second International Workshop on Hypermedia Multi-Agent Systems (HyperAgents 2025) Andrei Ciortea, Rem Collier, Fabien Gandon, Andreas Harth, Antoine Zimmermann 0.5 Go to the website
45 Identity Aware AI (IdentityAwareAI) Pranav A, Valerio Basile, Neele Falk, David Jurgens, Gabriella Lapesa, Anne Lauscher, Soda Marem Lo 0.5 Go to the website
46 Workshop on Intelligent Decision Systems: Methods and Applications (IDSMA) Jarosław Wątróbski and Wojciech Sałabun 0.5 Go to the website
47 Intelligent Management (InMan) Kesra Nermend, Małgorzata Łatuszyńska 0.5 Go to the website
48 Workshop on Learning From Difficult Data (LDD) Paweł Zyblewski, Paweł Ksieniewicz, Michał Woźniak 0.5 Go to the website
49 Workshop on LLM-based Agents for Intelligent Systems (LLAIS) Nikzad, Färber, Hameed, Tahmasebi, Vahdati, Asghar, Alipour, Narjes Nikzad Khasmakhi 0.5 Go to the website
50 Sustainable AI for Lightweight Systems (SAILS) Aniello Castiglione, Lucia Cimmino, Danilo Mandic, Matteo Polsinelli, Xinggang Wang 0.5 Go to the website
51 SLLM- Buck The Trend: Make LLMs Specific and Reduce the cost of Intelligence (SLLM) Joao Gama, Shiwei Liu, Arijit Ukil, Ladjel Bellatreche, Antonio J. Jara 0.5 Go to the website
52 International Workshop on Security and Privacy-Preserving AI/ML (SPAIML 2025) Malte Josten, Jens Leicht 0.5 Go to the website
53 Trust-AI: The European Workshop on Trustworthy AI (TRUST-AI) Asbjørn Følstad, Dimitris Apostolou, Steve Taylor, Andrea Palumbo, Eleni Tsalapati, Giannis Stamatellos, Arnaud Billion, Rosario Catelli 0.5 Go to the website
54 User-Centered Explanations in XAI (UCEX-XAI) Mike Sips, Yulia Grushetskaya, Thomas Kosch, Panagiotis Papapetrou 0.5 Go to the website
55 Workshop on the History of AI in Europe (WHAI) Ulises Cortés, Cristianm Barrué 0.5 Go to the website
56 1st International Workshop on eXplainable AI, Knowledge Representation and Knowledge Graphs (XAI-KRKG) Roberto Barile, Claudia d'Amato, Valeria Fionda, Flavio Giorgi, Antonio Ielo, Ilaria Tiddi, Gabriele Tolomei 0.5 Go to the website
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